Missa inte: Bloghop hos San på lördag!!!!
Hej där!
San har ytterligare en härlig release på gång med en hel gäng motiv jag inte kan klara mej utan!! <3
Du har väl sett min blinkie?
Det är alltså dax för en Bloghop igen o samtidigt släpps motiven. Chans att vinna finfina motiv alltså!
Liten sneaker följer ju med blinkien, men kanske vill du se mer?!
Finfina grejer för de av oss som håller på med en massa annat pyssel också =)
Grönt är skönt! (även när det regnar...)
Hej där!
Nu kan man verkligen prata om aprilväder! I morse när jag tittade ut var hela världen vit....Jag som vill ha tussilago o vitsippor! (vitt blev det förstås)
Våren är ju också en tid för flyttfåglarna att återvända. Hos oss är det lite tvärt om: sonen flyttade till egen lägenhet igår....Oj så kluvet! Å ena sidan är jag sååå glad för hans skull o ser fram emot att möta honom som vuxen fullt ut, å andra sidan är det svårt att mista vardagen tillsammans med honom, småpratet, att rent fysiskt kunna ta i honom...
Ja,ja.. ingen som lovat att livet ska vara lätt o enkelt! Har i alla fall gett dottern stränga order att bo hemma ett tag till!!! =)
San har nyss släppt en hel gäng med nya motiv, många av dem texter o ramar. Jag blev lite kär i allihop, men detta motiv kunde jag inte motstå -blev superförtjust i texten!!
Det är ju inte ett självskrivet födelsedagskort fast vid närmare eftertanke funkar det fint -bara att sätta grattis på insidan istället! Å andra sidan ska jag ju bli bättre på att skicka kort sådär bara för att göra nån glad o då är motivet alldeles lysande <3

Motivet är färglagt med Copics i vanlig ordning o lite glitterpenna fick det också bli! Motivet är limmat på en blå bakgrund o det hela är höjt med hjälp av 3D-kuddar.
Glada hälsningar med förhoppning om söndagssol o värme <3
Welcome to San’s Design “Framed” Blog hop!
Hi everyone!
I’m so excited to be participating in the San’s Design “Framed” Blog Hop!
As you might figure out from the title, San's new release is all about frames. Tomorrow, April 6th, twenty (!) new digi sets, frames and sentiments will be released. All in all over 60 new images!!! And I'm in love with them all!!!
I'll show you two of my many favourites but I can tell you it's hard to choose =)

If you've arrived here from Sans blog (Sans Design) then you are in the right place, your next stop is Gry. If not, you can always start at San’s Design and hop from the very beginning.
This is a 2 day hop so you have lots of time to visit the DT participants and comment on their projects.
April 5th & April 6th
San is a very talented digital artist who adds her own unique flavour to the world of digital design and card making, if you haven’t had the opportunity or pleasure of using San’s images this is your chance for San is giving away a whole set of this release to one lucky winner!!!!
Winner will be chosen
APRIL 7 /2013, Sunday at San’s Design
To qualify to win:
Hop to each designer's blog; leave a comment then return to San’s Design to let her know you have completed the hop.
We'd love to hear your feedback if there were any problems along the way. :)!!
Be sure to stop by San’s Design Saturday as she is giving away one of these new images, everyone loves a freebie and this one will not disappoint.
Now onto my project..................

This is the frame I've used together with one of the needles and a birthday sentence:

Have fun bloghoping, Monica
Easter Birthday Bunny
This time Spring has inspired me -a Flower Bunny for a Birthday Girl in sweet flowery pink colors. I also put some Cherry flowers and my favourites at the moment -the crochet flowers on the card!
The cute little Spring Bunny comes from Sans Digishop and all the material you find at En Liten Butik.
I'm entering this card in a couple of challenges:
Sketch and Stash Challenge no 109: optional theme is Spring colours. The papers are new and the bunny is an old one.
Moving along with the time: Spring is in the Air
Splendiferous Creations: Think Spring
RCC 78: Spring is in the Air
Sincerely Yours Creation: Challenge no 3 - Easter
Now to the card I made:

The beige roses are made from a Cheery Lynn Die.

I cut around the corner roses and put the panel behind them 'cause I didn't want to cover them =)

The sentence says "Today is your day" in Swedish.

I put some pearls in the corner to focus a bit more at the sweet sentence on the patterned paper.
The Weather forcast has promised more snow tomorrow but I hope they're wrong -Now I long for Spring!!!
// Monica
Första korten för Sans Design!
Perhaps have you already seen it in my sidebar but I've become a member of Sans designteam!!! San draws the cutest digis and have a digishop that makes me feel like a kid in a candy store <3 It's so fun to be a part of her team!!!
The Easter digis I've used in this two cards you find at San's. The first one in her shop and the second one is a freebie you find in her blog.
All the other material for the cards you find at En Liten Butik.
I'm entering the Bunny card in a sketch challenge:
Friday Sketch Challenge no 38 made by Carole

The second card has a Chevron border made from 1*2,5" paper strips. I think it would look nice to make a second border below the first one. Have to try that on another card! The Easter eggs and tulip-digi is a freebie you fins at Sans design.

The bright colors and the easter motifs make me long for spring! But I have to wait a while longer I think: at the moment it's snowing outside.....