PaperArtsy #18: one more!
Hi again!
To crinkle and tear is great fun: my second take at the challenge at Paper Artsy.
This time I created a frame card, still Christmas themed =)

Well, lets start from the beginning.... As with the earlier card, I began with some old book pages. I colored them in with distress oxides and stamped as well, inspired by Claire. I sprayed some water to make the oxide color react and sprinkled some white and gold mist as well. After that I crinkled it.

Inspired by Chris, I made a frame card and put my crinkled paper as a background with a snowman as a front figure. My snowman is a rubber stamp from Magnolia Design, a Swedish stamp company not far from where I live actually.

I felt something was missing so with help of a needle I put some golden strings into the frame as well and glued a few golden stars on them. Finically? Oh yes, but why make things easy?!
Also I wanted to add a God Jul/Merry Christmas in the bottom left corner. Still, why go the easy way....?! So at this late stage I decided to emboss my text.... Well, the card luckily survived!

The text stamp comes from Gummiapan, another Swedish stamp company with a line of their own stamps, both in English, German, Danish and Swedish.

A close up at my snowman, colored with Copic pens.
Bye for now,
Postat av: Lisa-olsi
Ett fint och gulligt kort,
tufft med stjärntrådarna :)
Ha det gott och God Jul! // Lisa